Make your writing work for you!
Communication factors into almost everything we do in life—from meeting a business goal, to passing a class, to building a relationship.
Write to both inform and connect with your reader by infusing your words with clarity, concision, and emotional intelligence.
Effective Communication: Two Goals
Writing is just as interactive as speaking! That’s right—just as a speaker interacts with a listener, a writer interacts with a reader.
Effective writing is not only about what we’re writing, but about our relationship with our reader. That’s why it is so important that we balance two writing goals when we write: Informational and Relational.
Informational Goals
Is the message clear and concise?
Can the reader take action immediately?
Are the needed details included?
Relational Goals
Will the reader feel respected?
Does the message have the right tone?
What order works best for my reader?
How does the reader feel about the topic?

The Cost of Miscommunication
Miscommunication in the workplace can be costly. Poorly written email messages, briefings, proposals, or performance reviews can undermine productivity, collaboration, and organizational success.
According to a recent report by Loom, workplace miscommunication is a significant economic risk.

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